Senior Garden

In recent years Spalding has been on a mission to have our faculty, staff, students and campus thinking “green”. In religion classes our students learn that they are stewards of God’s Earth and with this comes a great responsibility to our environment.

Listed below are some of the MANY ways we bring our green initiative to life:
In 2011 we introduced Single Stream Recycling on campus
To reduce our carbon footprint our goal is for Spalding to be a “No Idle Zone”, meaning that cars that aren’t moving should have their engines turned off at all times. *Please be considerate of this when coming to and from campus.
In 2012 we implemented Haiku – an online learning system that has significantly decreased our paper usage and waste
All students are encouraged to pledge to lead a “greener” life and add their name to our Green Tree
We host an annual E-Cycling event where members of the community are invited to drop off their used and unused electronics
All teachers support the initiative by educating students about the environment in at least one lesson plan throughout the year